Customize your cake

Welcome to New Bidyut Bakery's personalized cake ordering service, where we strive to make your special occasions even more memorable with delectable, custom-designed cakes. Ordering a cake from us is as easy as 1-2-3!


  1. Upload Cake Sample Photos: To ensure your cake matches your vision, feel free to upload sample photos or images that have caught your eye.

  2. Share Your Occasion: Provide us with a little description of the special occasion – whether it's a joyful birthday, a romantic anniversary, a sweet baby shower, or any other event close to your heart. Sharing these details allows us to infuse your cake with the perfect theme and sentiment, making it truly unique.

  3. Name or description on cake: Let us know the name or message you'd like to see beautifully crafted on your cake, we'll ensure your message is artfully adorned on your cake.


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One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.

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Expected date of delivery

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